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Exploring Hidden Job Opportunities via Networking

We all know that job searching can be both a challenging and time-consuming process, especially if you’re solely relying on traditional job search methods such as job boards and career fairs. While these methods can be helpful, they often overlook the hidden job market – positions that are not publicly advertised or posted online. So, what are these hidden job opportunities, how do they differ from other job postings and how to discover these obscure jobs?

A hidden job opportunity refers to a job opening that is not publicly advertised or posted online. These positions are typically filled through referrals or networking, and they can often be a great way to get your foot in the door with a company or industry. Hidden job opportunities can include positions that are in the process of being created, jobs that are filled through employee referrals, or jobs that are filled through direct outreach to a company or hiring manager.

While these opportunities may require more effort to uncover, they can often lead to a higher chance of success in the job search process. Seeking these hidden jobs can include networking, informational interviewing, cold calling, targeting employers, using a value proposition letter, or by reaching out to employers about potential opportunities before they become public knowledge.

Ways to Explore Hidden Job Opportunities

According to a report by LinkedIn, up to 85% of jobs are filled through networking and referrals. In this blog, we’ll explore some tips and strategies for uncovering hidden job opportunities and tapping into the power of networking.

Be a proactive job seeker and take an active role in finding your next opportunity! Instead of sitting back and waiting for the perfect position to cross your path, go out and find it. Not only can this be a more empowering and less frustrating position to be in, it also may produce more interviews and offers in less time.

If you want to read another resource on how to expand you professional network, we've linked that blog post here. Good luck in your job search!